Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Sometimes life is like a game of boomerang. Words hurl only to hurt us. We think we are hurt by others and retaliate by hurting them and they in turn hurt us back. In the end, we are the ones who are hurt . We think someone hurts us, but actually we have hurt ourselves.


Anonymous said... so true !! Good to see you are back YAY !! :-)

I am said...

I know :) so true...

man in painting said...

sorry i was late..
this post, though short was very deep.
me have a cartoon post..

Anonymous said...

Reflect back to your own actions when you have come across same situation in others life.

Amandeep Singh said...

So very true!

cm chap said...

Very true.

~vagabond~ said...

So true...and very well expressed! I enjoy reading your blogs...I hope it's okay if I blogroll you.

madhu said...

will you find the solace if u don't hurt them back ...or will u leave it upon the time to heal ur wound???? :)

Lakshmi said...

Thanks for your comments..
Cold - I think I will find the solace if I dont hurt back..because it boomerangs and yes, time will heal

Lakshmi said...

Vagabond -its ok if you add me ..thanks