Friday, April 11, 2008

Hurt...the pain is usually caused by us

There are several injuries that are inflicted on us..A small cut, a slip here and a bruise there..physical injuries are often healed, though the pain, the scars still remain.

And there are the bruises, hidden, unknown to us caused by emotions and people, who constantly inflict the same wound again and again. No amount of insensitivity can cure this, as the mind heals only to 'unheal' again...yet, there is hope as we steel ourselves and pretend to be strong and believe that such emotions do not exist and such people are not required - or we agree to forgive and forget, only to realize that its not human after all to do so...

But finally the wound that never heals is that caused by us, on us. When we hurt ourselves, sometimes knowingly, sometimes willingly , when we allow others to hurt us, inviting the pain, the scars ...those open wounds never heal..when will we ever learn this ?


Anonymous said...

Right said. The self inflicted wounds hurt more than anybody else. Cos nobody is supposed to know ourself better than the self.

I am said...

so, true..the worst pain is to hurt oneself..sometimes we are just so careless to our ownself.. na!!

but I guess there is a learning that happens there too..may be late..BUT I believe it does and one day you learn to have yourself well armed against it :)

I believe its humanly impossible to continue hurting yourself one's you realize you ARE HURT !! :)

nice post laxmi.. your monologues are the best..

Lucifer said...

to err is human...n to never learn is again human.

Compassion Unlimitted said...

Yet another wonderful introspection !!Unfortunately,it happens again &again in ones life

A said...


we get hurt only if and when we let ppl/circumstances to hurt us...

As Raghu (of Roadies fame) had put it..."Don't be a victim of circumstance, be a master of circumstance"

alok said...

true ! and agree to the point. But don't you think its really difficult to realize that part when actually somebody in a hurtful situation ? As long as we are humans, we all tend to be damn emotional fools at times.

ceedy said...

I differ here - the very fact the you deem any experience as "hurt" is a hurt in itself - i prefer to look at great moments good moment and moments - this way the negativity is removed - we are active constantly and there is no defination of what is right or wrong as it is subjective - as also do reactions to different situations differ

in short all i am trying to say is look at everything in a different perspective - no matter how "bad" there is always some silver lining somewhere....and i am not just preaching - i try and follow it...:)

Solitaire said...

Time heals all!

Anonymous said...

how hv u been ?

Amandeep Singh said...

If we learn would be like ....
dont know!


Rambler said...

scars we leave behind on ourselves..sometimes its hard to even spot for ourselves.

Compassion Unlimitted said...

Beautifully said,,most of the time we know fully well that we are heading for it,The Hurt, still we do it and get hurt and to top it all feel for it too..

Vartika said...

Partly true... in the end, your happiness is your own…you create it, break it or fake it!

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Lucifer said...


Aevi said...

the post in itself can trigger a lot of preachings from a lot of people... may b a lot bookish.. may b a lot idealistic.. or may b a lot insensible.. but 1 thing is for sure the question will always remain unanswered...!!!!

Anonymous said...

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