Sunday, October 7, 2007

More lessons amongst a lot of noise

Three golden rules

1.Self restraint
2.Never assume anything or assume you can take anyone for granted
3.Zero expectations


RustyNeurons said...

Ha... Rules are the worst I say... Can never follow any of them.. at least not truthfully...

Lakshmi said...

yup..i ve tried and tried and just cant follow them..but they are rules required in life..and the most difficult part is that when u have to apply them in yoiur personal life , not professional or social ...thats where u need them the most

RustyNeurons said...

that's because, the personal life matters the most (at least to most of us)

Lakshmi said...

You are right and thats very difficult cos thats where you are yourself and you expect people to accept you the way you are and if you have to play a role then its not personal anymore ...

mark drago said...

these are quite good actually, b-p: i'd think of them as a way of life; guidelines perhaps, rather than rules...

Anonymous said...

Rules are made only to broken. then why make rules.

Lakshmi said...

Mark - they are a way of life, rules for me because i have to follow them ..

Chitra - I dont intend breaking them ..tho there are lapses

Anonymous said...

Rule 2&3 : finally had to accept them ..mez working on them ...0% is ideal number but can we compromise a bit there ? :)

Rule 2 : almost there !!

Anonymous said...

Why do I always mess up trying to follow the first rule!

Amandeep Singh said...

Some rules man!!!

Lakshmi said...

Sunshine - i agree ...acceptance is the most difficult thing ande besides these rules help us - at least, Im trying to follow it for my peace

Verve - ive messed up several trying again ..its an effort, as its not my nature too

Standbymind - it helps ...

A said...

I never follow these rules and no marks for guessing this one...I ALWAYS end up messing up things...:-)

Lakshmi said...

Anjuli - try these

A said...

trying never helps... I never am able to do :-(

Lakshmi said...

I try and I fail as well..but slowly it stats getting imbibed into the system ..especially the first and the sec one...third is idealistic but am trying